I am with you always.

Out of love and concern for one another, the leadership of St. Timothy’s has suspended services and all other activities until further notice.  We will keep you updated.

The church office will be open Monday – Thursday 9 am – 1 pm


We are here for you

Staying at home does not mean that you are alone.  Reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors.  This can be done with a phone call, sending a card, texting, or through emails or facetime.

Pastor Michelene is also available for pastoral care.  Call or text her at 612-810-5923 or by email at mkverlautz@yahoo.com.

Prayer requests

If there is anyone that you would like us to pray for, please CLICK HERE to fill out our contact form and we will add them to our prayer list.

Weekly service

CLICK HERE and scroll down the page to “Recent Services” to view our Sunday service.  Each week’s service will be available on Saturday evening.

Prayer Yoga 

CLICK HERE and scroll down the page to “Yoga at St. Timothy’s” to check out Prayer Yoga with Pastor Michelene

Weekly Children’s Message

CLICK HERE and scroll down the page to “Recent Services” to view our Sunday Children’s message.  Each week’s message will be available on Saturday evening.

Kids Activities

CLICK HERE for Breakfast on the Beach children’s activity page.

CLICK HERE for the Feed My Sheep children’s activity page.

CLICK HERE for the Great Commission children’s activity page.

CLICK HERE for the Ascension children’s activity page.

CLICK HERE for the Pentecost children’s activity page.